Hermelindo Fiaminghi


He participates in the III Salão Paulista de Arte Contemporânea, at Galeria Prestes Maia (SP), and in the I Salão de Arte da Eletrobrás (MAM-RJ), where he receives the Acquisition Prize.


He opens the Década Publicidade studio.

Takes charge, until 1974, of marketing planning and consultancy for the Group Schmidt – Porcelana Real e Porcelana Schmidt.

Receives the Prizes of the City of Santo André for his participation in the II Salão de Arte Contemporânea de Santo André (SP), at the Paço Municipal.

Shows Retículas Corluz at the Panorama de Arte Atual Brasileira – Pintura (MAM-SP).

Starts to work in the Vila Mariana studio (Rua França Pinto).


He creates and directs the Ateliê Livre de Artes Plásticas de São José dos Campos (SP), which remains active for about one year.


He takes part in the show Seis Pesquisadores de Arte Visual, in São José dos Campos (SP).

Provides marketing consulting to Equipesca S.A. – Equipamentos de Pesca, de Campinas (SP), until 1970.


He receives the Acquisition Prize of the I Salão de Arte Contemporânea de São Caetano do Sul (SP).


A significant number of his corluz lattices are part of the exhibition Seis Pesquisadores de Artes Visuais, at the Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (MAC-USP) and at the Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Campinas (SP), an exhibition that also travels to the cities Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro (MAM-RJ).

He participates with two Retículas Corluz [Colorlight Lattices] in the group show Arte Hoy en el Brasil, at Galeria da Missão Cultural Brasileira, in Assunção (Paraguay).

Receives the gold medal at the XV Salão Paulista de Arte Moderna, at Galeria Prestes Maia (SP).

In the field of industrial design, the company Rhodia releases two collections of fabric patterns with his corluz lattices.

He leaves Volpi’s studio and begins to paint at home.

Sells the PDP agency to MPM Propaganda S.A., serving as a consultant to the board of the latter until 1968.


He participates in the VIII Bienal de São Paulo (Fundação Bienal de São Paulo).

Begins a series of offset lithographs called Os Bolinhos [Little Cakes] and Braços e Abraços [Arms and Embraces].


He holds a solo show at the Associação de Artes Visuais Galeria Novas Tendências (SP).


He serves as cofounder of the Associação de Artes Visuais Novas Tendências and, in December, takes part in the inaugural group show of the Associação de Artes Visuais Galeria Novas Tendências (SP), exhibiting the offset print called Retícula Corluz X (1962).

Participates in the VII Bienal de São Paulo (Fundação Bienal de São Paulo).


At Ibirapuera Park (SP), he photographs foliage and certain flowers in backlit shots, as raw material for his work with color lattices and offset printing.

He participates in the VI Bienal de São Paulo (MAM-SP) and holds his first solo show, at Galeria Aremar, in Campinas (SP).

With his friend Décio Pignatari he does the layout for the book of poetry Universo, by Mário da Silva Brito, which the following year receives the Jabuti Prize for best book cover.