Hermelindo Fiaminghi


He holds the solo show Fiaminghi Corluz, at Galeria Montesanti Roesler (SP).

He participates in the group show Prêmio Brasília de Artes Plásticas (MAB-DF), as well as the IX Exposição Brasil-Japão de Arte Contemporânea, held in Brazil at Fundação Brasil-Japão (SP), at Museu Nacional de Belas Artes (RJ) and the Salão do Congresso Nacional de Brasília, and, in Japan, at Centro Museum of Tokio, at Atami-MOA BCM, and the Saporo Museum.


He begins the project for recording the genesis of the canvas Corluz 91160 and, in October, Projeto Corluz 150, proposed by Isabella Cabral, for which he produces twenty canvases.


The book A génese da pintura, by Isabella Cabral and M. A. Amaral Rezende, is reteased
together with the exhibition of the work Corluz 91160 (Masp).

He is honored with the master’s dissertation Fiaminghi ou a concreção sensória, by Vitória Daniela Bousso, and with the making of the video Fiaminghi, by Instituto Cultural Itaú, in the Encontro com o Artista series.

The Municipal Secretary of Culture of São José dos Campos (SP) honors the artist by holding the exhibition Ateliê Livre: 23 Anos Depois, which is also presented at MAM-SP.

He executes the lithograph Artigo XXII dos Direitos Humanos and participates in the exhibition Cidadana 200 Anos da Declaração dos Direitos Humanos, at Sesc Pomeía (SP).

In São Paulo he participates in the shows Perspectivas & Polaridades II, at Paço das Artes (SP); and Construtivismo: Arte Cartaz 40/50/60, at MAC-USP and, in Rio de Janeiro, in the show A caminho de Niterói: coleção João Sattamini, at the Paço Imperial.


He receives a prize at the Panorama da Arte Atual Brasileira – Pintura (MAM-SP), for the work Corluz 1989.

Gives an art course at MAC-USP, in Ibirapuera Park.

Participates in the video Fiaminghi, which is part of the Encontros e Caminhos da Abstração series, produced by Itaú Cultural.

Executes the series of desretratos [unportraits] for the book Isabella, authored by M. A. Amaral Rezende, published by Editora Com-Arte.


He participates in the Bienal Brasil Século XX (Fundação Bienal de São Paulo).


He takes part in the group show Projeto Contato (Galeria Sesc Paulista) and has a solo show at Galeria São Paulo.

Executes nine lithographs at the Glatt/Imagos studio, called Corluz.


He finishes a series of twelve lithographs, three of which are Now Sun, Now Tree and From Issa, in coauthorship with Décio Pignatari.

Participates in various group shows: Tendências Construtivas, no Acervo do MAC-USP, Construção, Medida e Proporção, at centro cultural Banco do Brasil do Rio de Janeiro (CCBB-RJ); I Off Bienal, at the Museu Brasileiro da Escultura (MUBE), in São Paulo; Arte Brasileira: 50 Anos de História no Acervo MAC-USP: 1920-1970; and in the exhibition O Mundo de Mario Schenberg, at Casa das Rosas (SP).

Participates in the event in honor of the 40th anniversary of the concretist movement, Desexp(I)os(ign)ição.


He participates in the show Visões e (Sub)versões: Cada olhar uma História (MAC-Niterói) .


He is the subject of the book Hermelindo Fiaminghi, by Isabella Cabral and M. A. Amaral Rezende, released by Edusp, in its Artistas Brasileiros collection.

Is asked to make various public statements: in the auditorium at MAM-SP, in December, as part of the Ciclo de Depoimentos com Artistas Construtivos Brasileiros on the occasion of the exhibition Arte Construtiva no Brasil: Coleção Adolpho Leirner, in which he participates; and for the Rede Sesc/Senac de Televisão, for the documentary Geraldo de Barros: sobras em obras.

Takes part in the exhibition Impressões: A Arte da Gravura Brasileira at Espaço Cultural Banespa-Paulista and holds a solo show at Galeria Nara Roesler (SP).


He participates in the exhibition held in celebration of the opening of the exhibition space at Paço Imperial of Rio de Janeiro and in the show Arte Construtiva no Brasil: Coleção Adolpho Leirner (MAM-RJ); and in São Paulo, in the show Cotidiano/Arte: O Consumo (Itaú Cultural) and Década de 50 e seus Envolvimentos, at Jo Slaviero Galeria de Arte.